Planning Application December 2013

1. Application Form



3. Drawing Schedule Complete

4.1 13033 Parkhurst Gardens Drawing

4.2 13033 Parkhurst Gardens Drawing

4.3 13033 Parkhurst Gardens Drawing

4.4 13033 Parkhurst Gardens Drawing

4.5 13033 Parkhurst Gardens Drawing

4.6 167-10-P Landscape Layout

4.7 Red Line Site Location Plan

5. Accommodation Schedule

6. Planning Statement

6. Appendix 1a

6. Appendix 1b

6. Appendix 2

6. Appendix 3

6. Appendix 4

6. Appendix 5 – Economics Note

7. Design Access Statement Section Sections 1, 2 & 3

7. Design Access Statement Section Sections 3 & 4

7. Design Access Statement Section 5a

7. Design Access Statement Section 5b

7. Design Access Statement Section 6

7. Design Access Statement Section Sections 7, 8 & 9

7. Design Access Statement Section 10.1a

7. Design Access Statement Section 10.1b

7. Design Access Statement Section 10.2.a

7. Design Access Statement Section 10.2.b

7. Design Access Statement Section 10.2.c

7. Design Access Statement Section 10.2.d

7. Design Access Statement Section 10.2.e

8. Transport Assessment Part 1

8. Transport Assessment Part 2

9. Residential Travel Plan

10. Statement of Community Involvement

11. Noise Assessment

12. Sustainability Statement

13. Energy Report

14. Daylight and Sunlight

15. Arboricultural Impact Assessment

15. Arboricultural Survey

16. Phase 1 Habitat Survey

17. Bat Survey

18. Health Impact Assessment

19. Site Waste Management

20. Utilities Report

22. Market Housing Report

23. Townscape Report

24. Access Statement

25. Air Quality Assessment

26. Ground Investigation

Parkhurst Gardens